Google Guide: Making Searching Even Easier
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Conclusion and Links to Cheatsheets

Google strives to make it easy to quickly find whatever you're seeking, whether it's a web page, a recent news story, a photograph, advice, or a present for a friend. The following cheatsheets provide handy summaries of some of Google's features and services.

I sincerely hope that Google Guide's Power Googling has helped you become (more) proficient in using Google. I have tried to anticipate your questions and problems. Please let me know if I have missed something or if you have corrections or suggestions for improving Google Guide, by emailing feedback(at) (replace "- at -" by "@"). I welcome all comments. I look forward to hearing from you. --Nancy

[Home] [Intro] [Contents] [Print] [Favorites] [Query Input] [Understanding Results] [Special Tools] [Developing a Website] [Appendix]

For Google tips, tricks, & how Google works, visit Google Guide at
By Nancy Blachman and Jerry Peek who aren't Google employees. For permission to copy
& create derivative works, visit Google Guide's Creative Commons License webpage.